Stretching Before Bed Can Give You a Better Night’s Sleep

Finding a good night of sleep is sometimes a very difficult thing.  Many people wake up with aches and pains and stiffness even after a full eight hours of rest.  While lots of advice floats around in an effort to help you sleep better, this one may surprise you.  Doctors say spending five minutes stretching before crawling into bed can help you wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow morning.
For years, Yoga instructors have touted the benefits of a good stretch.  It’s not something that should hurt.  In fact, stretching should relax your muscles.  Deep breathing while stretching will help your body relax even more.  If you already have back problems, try lying down to do some simple stretches on your back.  One effective exercise is to lay on your back with a pillow under your head and pull your knees to your chest.  Try and grab your knees with your hands to keep your legs from bouncing.  Now, circle your knees counter-clockwise, and then clockwise pausing in between each direction.  This exercise will help loosen up your back, leg, and neck muscles before bedtime.  It’s important not to overdo the stretching.  Your body will let you know when you’re pushing too hard so listen carefully.
If you’re still having a hard time catching some zzz’s, try finding a regular bedtime routine.  Going to bed at the same time each night, and waking up at the same time each morning will help your body keep a good sleep routine that will help you fight insomnia.

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