There are a few different kinds of medical professionals that qualify as a medical escort. There are registered nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and physicians. Medical escorts that go with patients on flights usually have a certificate in flight medicine. This is how they train to learn about the human body when it is in flight. Patients that are on a respirator need a respiratory therapist onboard. There are some flight nurses and flight paramedics that are also trained to be respiratory therapists. All of these different types of medical escorts go with patients on private air ambulances as well as on a scheduled commercial airliner. If a patient is fit to fly on a scheduled commercial airliner, it is recommended that the medical escort and the patient have first class tickets. This gives the medical escort more room to manuever. Having first class tickets also helps avoid some of the painstaking unnecessary waiting of checking in and going through all the checkpoints and eleviates some of the difficulties of travel.
Trained emergency medical techicians, nurses, and paramedics that are used to flying from one country to another are a huge asset in the case of an international flight. If your patient is dealt a curveball in dealing with foreign lands, airports, customs, and hospitals, most likely, an experienced medical escort has dealt with that situation before. It is highly recommended to use a service that has years of experience in dealing with travel abroad and is the same for any medical escort.
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Flight Nurses