During what circumstance will you use air medical transport eugene oregon ? As these case patients are not able to be transferred on the public air travel charters . That is usually when these patients are not in non life or death condition , non emergency air ambulance specialists have to be coordinated with. Many outpatients occasionally will try to search for air medical transport eugene oregon with a certified hospital case worker. There generally are men or women that call for medical aid when they travel in a plane. There usually are the men and women who obtain the service of fixed wing air ambulance crews due to the fact that these case patients are not able to be sent on public charter airplane charters . That is sometimes because these are patients that call for a complete respiratory kit and/or a flight staff. It is known widely among those who do social work for hospitals that there may be accident victims who cannot go by the usual airline service —- when these individuals have need of a seasoned paramedic.