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Flight Medicine on Air Medical Flight Services

Air Ambulance America has been arranging medical transportation since 1983. We are highly experienced and professional medical flight services. One of the benefits of specializing in Flight Physiology lets your flight nurse or escort give your patient or loved one expert care onboard your air ambulance transfer and patient transportation. Meanwhile, our caring flight coordinators will:

  • Attending Medical Physicians and Nurses do the Medical Briefing:

– On most transfers, a registered flight nurse and/or paramedic will care for     the  patient on the flight.
– If the patient is on a respirator or ventilator, a respiratory therapist will   accompany the patient.
– When a physician is needed, then a specialized doctor will accompany the     patient. The Air Ambulance and the medical team will fly to the closest airport.

  • Medical Flight Teams Can Include:

– Board Certified Flight Physicians
– ACLS(Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
– ICU/CCU Licensed Registered Nurses
– Nationally Registered Flight Paramedics (EMT-P)
– Certified Respiratory Therapists
– Emergency Medical Technicians(EMT)

  • Medical Equipment:

– Complete supply of respiratory equipment: Oxygen, Facial masks, Nasal       Cannulas, Tracheotomy Mask, Esophageal Obturators, Respirator, Ambu-Bag.
– Heart Monitor/Defibrillator
– Suction – Emergency Drug Kit
– IV Solutions and Infusion Sets
– Infusion Pump Any Special Equipment the Patient Needs

We offer a Medical and Aerospace Professional service for Our Patients Call us : 1-800-827-0745

Air Ambulance Service in all 50 States

Arrangement of service is available for transport in all of the states below. As most air ambulance operations are inter-state, there are always options of where the airplane can originate from. There are airports all over that serve private air medical units that may be closer to you than your usual commercial airport. You will find some news and information about air ambulance in these different locations as well.

Alaska and Hawaii :
Continental US :

What Our Happy Clients Speak

I would like to thank everyone involved from turning a potentially difficult experience into an enjoyable one. My mother,Mary, and I enjoyed the flight, and the flight nurse, was terrific. He really allayed all our fears, and we felt perfect confidence in him.

The pilot and first officer were also wonderful and instilled great confidence in us. All in all, it was a marvelous trip and we can’t thank you enough!!!

Martha Cooperman
We offer a Medical and Aerospace Professional service for Our Patients Call us : 1-800-827-0745